

Feather Meal Process

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Feather Meal Process

The entire production process uses the same technology in Europe. The exhaust gas treatment introduces European technology, utilizes vacuum cooling exhaust gas, and employs heat dissipation fin tubes with stainless steel inner cores. The exhaust gas is cooled into waste water, which is then discharged to the sewage treatment plant. The remaining gas is sent to the cooling treatment in the spraying tower through a vacuum pump. Compared to the overall water spray, this process is more energy-efficient and reduces pollution.


Production process: Begins with the raw material pool feed, which is conveyed to the washing machine. Here, impurities such as feathers, dirt, and other materials are removed. The material is then conveyed to the metal detector, where metal items are removed. Then the material is conveyed to the storage silo cache, where it is stored until it is fed to the hydrolysis machine. In this machine, the feathers are hydrolyzed. The hydrolysis machine employs high-temperature and high-pressure hydrolysis in continuous cooking conditions to break down chemical bonds, such as cystine disulfide bonds, within the feather protein structure. This process results in the dissolution of the protein, rendering it more digestible and absorbable. Once the material has been sent to the dryer for continuous drying, it is then transferred to the cooler and rolling sieve. The large particles of material are crushed by the No. 1 grinder for the first time. Once the powder has been sieved by rolling sieve, it will enter the coarse powder storage bin. It will then enter the fine meal storage bin after undergoing a second pulverizing process by the NO.2 grinder. It will then enter the mixer to be mixed with the additives, before entering the finished product storage bin and packing system.


The internal negative pressure state environment of the workshop is maintained by a stainless steel exhaust pipe system, which diverts the exhaust gases into the spray tower for deodorization treatment. This improves the working environment.

The equipment is assembled in a way that ensures raw materials and finished products do not fall to the ground and do not cause secondary pollution.


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