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How to Conduct a Test Run of Fish Meal Equipment

2024-02-04 06:38:45

Fish meal equipment can dry powdery and granular materials with special requirements. To ensure the fish meal equipment is in optimal condition, a test run experiment should be carried out, with the main provisions as follows:


1. Start the main motor and check the direction of the main drum rotation.

2. Observe whether the main drum and all transmission parts are rotating smoothly, check if the steam inlet and outlet are connected to the drying equipment, and whether the pressure gauge is within the working pressure range.

3. Start the motor, ensure the main drum runs smoothly, and after the temperature rises, add the material and adjust the motor speed and the evenness of the material film on the drum to control the moisture content of the material.

4. Start the motor, output the dried finished material, and adjust the motor speed according to the quantity of the dried finished product.


After completing the above test run procedures for the fish meal equipment, if there are no abnormalities, it can be gradually used for formal operations.


How does the cooking machine work? Let's take a look.


The cooking machine consists of a cylindrical shell and a spiral shaft with steam heating. The cylindrical shell has a steam jacket, and the spiral shaft and its blades are hollow, allowing steam to pass through. The raw material enters the machine through the feed opening and is heated by the spiral shaft, blades, and the steam jacket. It slowly moves forward, pushed by the spiral, and as the raw material cooks, its volume gradually decreases. It is continuously stirred and turned, and under the action of the discharging device at the discharge end, the cooked material is evenly and continuously discharged from the outlet.


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